Viva la musica
- Dabei seit
- 18. Juli 2020
- Beiträge
- 1.328
- Reaktionen
- 2.586
Gute Nachrichten für alle Spätanfänger: Die reine Lehre nach der es nur Kinder, die früh begonnen haben, es zu musikalischer Meisterschaft bringen können, ist etwas zu einseitig.
Fand diese Studie heraus:
Kurz zusammengefasst, ist es vor allem die Zahl der kumulierten Übungsstunden, die den entscheidenden Unterschied macht. Zusammen mit einer gewissen genetischen Disposition. Wobei hier auch mitzuspielen scheint, dass musikalische Eltern ihre Kinder auch früher musikalisch fördern.
Oder hier in den Worten der Autoren:
A common observation is that successful musicians often start their musical training early. One much-discussed explanation for this is that there may be a sensitive period in childhood, during which the brain is particularly susceptible to musical stimulation. We show that the true story may be more complex than that. First, we found that one factor at play is that early-starting musicians simply tend to accumulate more training in total than those starting later. Secondly, we found that the relation between starting age and adult expertise is partly driven by common genetic factors, which influence both at which age someone starts training and musical expertise in adulthood. Therefore, an explanation could be that children, who for partly genetic reasons have high musical ability, also tend to be born into musically engaged families. These children show early signs of musicality, are encouraged to start practicing early, and grow up in a stimulating environment that benefits their musical expertise.
Also: jetzt aber ran ans Klavier und fleissig üben!!!
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Why Is an Early Start of Training Related to Musical Skills in Adulthood? A Genetically Informative Study - Laura W. Wesseldijk, Miriam A. Mosing, Fredrik Ullén, 2021
Experts in domains such as music or sports often start training early. It has been suggested that this may reflect a sensitive period in childhood for skill acq...

Kurz zusammengefasst, ist es vor allem die Zahl der kumulierten Übungsstunden, die den entscheidenden Unterschied macht. Zusammen mit einer gewissen genetischen Disposition. Wobei hier auch mitzuspielen scheint, dass musikalische Eltern ihre Kinder auch früher musikalisch fördern.
Oder hier in den Worten der Autoren:
A common observation is that successful musicians often start their musical training early. One much-discussed explanation for this is that there may be a sensitive period in childhood, during which the brain is particularly susceptible to musical stimulation. We show that the true story may be more complex than that. First, we found that one factor at play is that early-starting musicians simply tend to accumulate more training in total than those starting later. Secondly, we found that the relation between starting age and adult expertise is partly driven by common genetic factors, which influence both at which age someone starts training and musical expertise in adulthood. Therefore, an explanation could be that children, who for partly genetic reasons have high musical ability, also tend to be born into musically engaged families. These children show early signs of musicality, are encouraged to start practicing early, and grow up in a stimulating environment that benefits their musical expertise.
Also: jetzt aber ran ans Klavier und fleissig üben!!!